A collection of my letters, photos & books of Uncle E.B. White

Lindsay on train to Boston

Caylin and Ava at
EB White & my Grandfather, Albert White were brothers. I knew them well.
For over 40 years, I have shared my EB White scrapbooks, personal photos & interesting letters written to me by Great Uncle Elwyn Brooks White.
I enjoy presenting my unique and truly interesting collection to schools, libraries, bookstores and more. I have traveled to 17 countries and most of the United States, sharing the wonderful life and stories of his famous books, "Charlotte's Web" and "Stuart Little" and much more. Students and teachers are fascinated with my interesting presentation!! I have hundreds of items to share. I also bring along a great tape recording of E.B. White reciting "Charlotte's Web"! My Great Uncle presented me with this recording in 1982!! It was a gift for my children. In 1952 he signed a precious book of "Charlotte's Web" to me when I was only a child. I cherish these items with all my heart!!
I also enjoy attending play versions of both "Charlotte's Web" and "Stuart Little"....I love seeing all of Great-Uncle EB's wonderful characters come alive by singing and dancing on stage!!

Lindsay Presenting